Dear Valued Patient,

Our back-to-work protocols.


  • Wear masks to protect colleagues and patients.
  • Ensure proper distancing between staff and patients.
  • Wear scrubs/uniform that will be changed daily at the clinic.
  • Wear masks, glasses or goggles and/or visors.
  • Change disposable gowns/aprons with each patient contact.
  • Clean treatment/exam rooms thoroughly between patients.
  • Stay home if displaying have symptoms of COVID-19 or a temperature over 37.3°.


  • We will be pre-screening for symptoms, exposure, and out of province travel for the previous two weeks.
  • We ask patients to stay home with symptoms of COVID-19, chronic lung disease, severe asthma, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised, brittle diabetics, kidney disease (dialysis) liver disease, or who are pregnant or nursing.
  • We are discouraging and not able to take any walk-in traffic.
  • We will not be allowing visitors or children to accompany the patient during this time.
  • We will advise patients to use the bathroom at home prior to arriving for their appointment if, possible. If not a restroom will still be available.
  • We ask all clients that have a scheduled appointment to wait outside or in their car until the designated appointment time, as we are trying to minimize our Waiting Room. When you arrive to your appointment, please stay in your car and call our office. The front desk team will ask you if you have been sick or in contact with someone who is, if the answer is no, please wait in your car and our team will call you when your room is ready. You will be taken directly to your room without any contact with other patients.
  • We ask patients to leave their coat and all belongings at home or in the car.
  • We will remind patients of the need to be on schedule and limit numbers in the clinic.


  • We will maintain proper distancing between staff and patients. We have taken into consideration the size of our clinics and number of staff and patients that will be able to meet physical distancing.
  • We will stagger start times and breaks for staff in order to maintain distancing in lunchrooms/offices.
  • We have set up a sanitization station where incoming patients can disinfect hands and have their temperature taken. We will not treat patients with temperatures over 37.3°.
  • We have removed all reading material from waiting room/area.
  • We will clean chairs and table tops in the waiting room/area between patients.
  • We will schedule appointments with a buffer of 30 minutes between patients.
  • We will clean surfaces, counters, phones, keyboards and door handles hourly.
  • We will provide hand sanitizer and laundry hamper, garbage disposal for exiting of treatment room.
  • We will clean treatment bed, counters, tables, chairs, mirrors, fridge door, cupboard handles, keyboards and cameras between patients.
  • We will temporarily avoid ablative treatments and Zimmer coolers or other devices.
  • There will be a new Consent release to be signed prior to your procedure for aesthetic treatments during COVID-19.
  • We have developed payment options to promote social distancing and contact, such as e-transfers or payments can also be made in a separate room/office.
  • We will lean credit card/debit terminals between patients.

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